at some point of my preceding assembly with Mistress Karina, I took braveness and confessed my feelings to her. Karina had ridiculed me then. but she determined no longer to stop there and decided to do the whole thing so that i used to be completely humiliated and trampled as a man, so that i was even afraid to consider expressing feelings for her, about touching her frame, approximately any sex together with her. My humiliation commenced with the fact that I had to placed on ladies’s undies and appear before the Mistress on this very form. After that, I needed to suck a strap-on, which she placed on herself. I felt down, I felt like a slut being face fucked. in the end, I had to show my flaccid and short penis to Karina, which brought on her an extended and merciless chuckle. i was ashamed, and i used to be prepared to sink into the ground. My place turned into indicated to me. i used to be and nonetheless am a rest room slave for Mistress Karina. and that i no longer only a slave. also I’m a slut now. I fearfully suppose that subsequent time Karina will fuck me inside the ass with a strapon. Mistress Karina did not leave me with out meals this time. As standard, her anus had given out lots of shit. I ate her deal with with pleasure and concept that i was given a excellent privilege to be ingesting the poop of this beautiful girl. no one else is aware of what they flavor like, handiest I realize about it.
Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:08:45
File Size: 765.92 MB
Poo19 – Smelly Milana – Turning toilet slave into toilet slut